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I am pleased to thank the helpful and trustful staff of Properties Alayna, who work very hard to satisfy their customers, they provide high standard services and fordable price properties, including administrative and furnishing services. It is one of the best and experienced agencies, be sure you are in safe hands if you are looking for a property in Turkey through this Real Estate company.
Ol' Blighty
We are writing to express our pleasure with Properties Alanya Real Estate.
The service was first class, empathetic and professional; it was a smooth, stress-free home-buying experience.
Post and Pre sales service exceeded our expectations.
We would happily recommend Properties Alanya to all.
Ghada Al-Barakati Al-Sharif
When I decided to buy a vacation home in Turkey my friend Nezha, recommended properties Alanya. She said that they were excellent and that they not only helped her find her dream apartment but went out of their way to assist in any thing she needed. She told me to ask for Natia. I thank her whole heatedly for this advice. I called and I am glad that I did...... I now own my dream penthouse BUT most importantly; I have already secured my Alanya friends (the Properties Alanya team, Natia, Kerim, Arman) with whom I look forward to making many happy memories. Natia, was AMMMMMMMMAZING, she listened and understood what I need, she was efficient in finding me what I want but at the same time she was loads of fun to be around . She matched me not only with the physical property that I wanted but also with the friendly and soothing atmosphere which made me feel that I never want to leave. My property at Doganay is amazing Usually you would think that once you buy the property you real estate agent's role is done. Right??? Noooooo!!! Not with Properties Alanya. They made me feel like the only VIP throughout my stay first stay in Alanya and when I came back few months later. Arman met me in the airport and took me to my hotel, Natia helped me set up my bank account in addition to other thingsthat needed to be done, Kerim took care of my property registration and helped me find furniture. Throughout all this I did not have to worry about transport since Kerim availed courtesy transport for me and Arman drove me all over town. Natia and Kerim also connected me socially to the owner of the complex Mr. Celcuk and his family. I could not believe his generosity. He provided me with courtesy stay at his hotel all inclusive for the whole week when I came to furnish my apartment; another unexpected astonishing gesture. I am in love with Alanya and everyone in Alanya. For this I have to thank everyone in properties Alanya specially, Natia, Kerim and Arman my new found friends. I recommend properties Alanya very highly for anyone who wants professional, efficient and friendly service. Real five star service if not more. 
Emad Krimly
For a few years me and my wife were thinking in purchasing an apartment in Turkey near the sea. My wife took the role of searching in the Internet and then got connected with Natia Natadze from Alanya, were she start helping us to find the best apartment and location as per our need. She was very professional and answered all our inquires.
Once we decided, we visited Alanya and met the team, Mr. Kerim, Natia and Arman, and found that we are dealing with a very professional and friendly team. We felt like at home and soon we made the deal and they took care of every thing all the way until we moved in and Mr. Kerim transferred the Tapu under our names. The team made it easy for us and helped in bringing our dram true. We are very happy to buy in Alanya because we got a good investment in a nice location. Kids loved the apartment, the view, the area, everything. Me and my wife very happy and enjoy going many times to Alanya.
We strongly recommend Kerim and Natia to anyone who wants to buy in Turkey, they deserve your full trust.
Best Regards, Emad and the family Saudi Arabia
When i decided to invest in Turkey many realestate started to send their offer to deal with them, but the only one that was professional and very helpful: Properties Alanya and especially Natia Natadze,she helped me step by step to make the deal by answering on all my questions and she was always ready for any help and when i met Mr.Kerim Baliktay i knew that i was lucky to deal with such people so clear and friendly ,Mr. Kerim also helped us to find our lost luggage and Arman was a fantastic person,all the team also ...they treated us like friends not clients ,i am happy to buy in Alanya because i got a good investment in properties and a good investment for all my life to have such friend like Natia ,her friendship is my best investment that i was searching all my life that make you reach with no risk . From my own experience and on my responsability i suggest for any person who want to make a safe and excellent investment to deal with KERIM and NATIA with their lovely team in Proprties Alanya
Camilla van der Burgt
“I became acquainted with Natia during our organized sight trip with our Belgium customers for buying real a state in Alanya. Natia is a very smart and friendly person, with an exclusive feeling for the need of the customers. She creates the neccessary invoirment for our customers to feel free and save to buy property, who Natia selected based on criteria wich we sent. She is also a pleasant and inspired person to communicate with. It is because of these reasons that it is my pleasure to recommend anyone working with Natia. With kind regards; Camilla van der Burgt Owner Wereldrecreatie
Bela Ayba
Добрый день! Хочу сказать огромное спасибо персоналу "Propertys Alanya" и лично Кериму Балыктай за помощь в покупке и оформлении виллы в Алании. Отдельная благодарность Натии Натадзе за помощь...... Хочу пожелать успехов в работе, крепкого здоровья и процветания!!! С глубоким уважением,Бэла!
In september 2010 appartement gekocht via ALANYA-MAKELAARS. Wij zijn zeer tevreden over de service van bovenvermelde kantoor. Meer bepaald de Heer JOHAN VOS heeft ons fantastisch geholpen bij het kiezen van onze eigendom. Niets was voor deze persoon teveel. Bij het eerste contact maand Juni 2010 is deze persoon ons komen halen in ANTALYA ,nadien verschillende projecten bezocht. Niets werd ons opgedrongen, alles werd grondig bekeken. Naderhand hebben wij vrij kunnen kiezen, in September 2010 prachtig appartement gekocht in AVSALLAR.
Wij zijn zeer tevreden, kunnen iedereen ALANYA-MAKELAARS aanraden. Aan Johan doe zo verder.Groetjes.
Dave Lovatt
The prospect of purchasing a property abroad is a daunting process for most; I also imagined it to be a lengthy, expensive and complicated procedure. Following weeks of deliberation I contacted Properties Alanya and immediately my worries were gone. The level of service from this company is truly impeccable. They offer a completely transparent and tailored package to suit most budgets and really, nothing is too much trouble. Kerim Balikay (General Manager) and his team of professionals will immediately help you see that you are in very safe and capable hands; This is essentially so important. Natia Natadze (UK Sales) made every attempt to address my needs and successfully found me the perfect property for my needs. If you are thinking of taking up the challenge of purchasing in Turkey, Do not look any further than Properties Alanya. This company are true professionals who will make clear, concise and consistent communication with you and explain in detail the purchasing process in an understandable way. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Kerim, Natia and Arman for their wonderful service. Dave Lovatt, Manchester, UK.
Arta and Intra
In 2008, we decided to buy two apartments in Alanya, Turkey. The first company to respond was Properties Alanya. KERIM BALIKTAY is the director of this company. When we met with their representatives (NATIA and KERIM) from the first time we were very impressed. NATIA was able to find several apartaments for us very quickly. Their honesty, patience and professionalism were suprising. Their driver ARMAN was equally helpful. Our cooperation did not end with our real estate dealings. They also assisted us to take care of all the necessary paperwork, helped furnish our apartaments and even put up extra caurtin rods!!! They also acted as tour guides by showing us the sights and decribing the local culture and traditions. Our cooperation continues to this day. NATIA and KERIM are always willing to help us with any problem or question having to do with our apartments, or anything else for that matter. Whenever we visit Alanya and hear different stories (and sometimes nightmares) from other apartment owners that used other companies, we become extremely satisfied that the first serious company to fulfill our wishes was PROPERTIES ALANYA.
Arta un Intra
2008.gadā nolēmām iegādāties dzīvokļus Turcijā, Alanya. Pirmā atsaucīgā kompānija bija Alanya Realestates, kuru vada Kerims. Tiekoties ar šīs kompānijas pārstāvjiem Kerimu un Natia jau pirmajā tikšanās reizē radās ticība šiem cilvēkiem. Natia ļoti operatīvi un ātri, atbilstoši mūsu vēlmēm, atrada vairākus īpašumus. Viņu godīgums, atsaucīgums un pacietība ir vienkārši apbrīnojama, šeit ir jāpiemin arī šoferis Armans. Sadarbība ar Natia un Kerimu nebeidzās tikai ar īpašuma iegādi, viņi palīdzēja noformēt visus dokumentus, iekārtot dzīvokli (līdz pat aizkaru stangu pielikšanai), iepazīstināja ar apkārtni un kultūras dzīvi. Sadarbība turpinās joprojām, varam griezties pie Natia un Kerima par jebkuru jautājumu, gan saistībā ar dzīvokli (dzīvokļa tīrīšana, vēdināšana, transfēru no lidostas), gan arī citiem. Tagad uzturoties Alanya un tiekoties ar citiem dzīvokļu īpašniekiem, tiešām varam būt priecīgas, ka mūsu vēlmju realizēšanai pirmā nopietnā kompānija, kura atsaucās bija Alanya Realestates.
Peter and Tania Schevenhals-Gielkens
For a few years we were thinking about buying a property in the sun. In our search we got in touch with Johan Vos from Alanya Makelaars and we decided to go to Turkey to look at some projects with Johan.
After a few days of touring we found a unique project in Side and we bought our place in the sun!
The service from Johan Vos and Kerim Baliktay was great! There was never any pressure to buy, nor to try to sell a more expensive property to increase their service-fee. No effort was to much to give information, drive hundreds of kms and assist with all the legal aspects.
I can recommend Kerim and Johan to anyone who wants to buy in Turkey. The first time buying in Turkey is always a little bit of an adventure because things work differently than in your home-country. But Johan and Kerim will guide you to your goal and they deserve your full trust. We not only build up a business-relationship, I can say it is also a new friendship!
Kerim, Johan,
in July we will be in Side, we will pass by to say hello!
Best Regards
Peter, Tania and the kids
Willebroek, Belgium
Gary and Sandra Fletcher
We are buying a property in Belek,we first met with Natia in july 2007 she found us the exact property we were looking for,we visited again in October again Natia has made the process of buying in Turkey very easy.We visited the office and met kirim,all the staff made us feel very welcome.heres to many great family holidays in Turkey.
Herman Korver
Ik heb deze week een appartement gekocht via Johan Vos
Het makelaarskantoor is uitermate proffesioneel bezig met het zoeken en
aanbieden van onroerend goed. Daarnaast kun je rekenen op hulp bij alle zaken die belangrijk zijn zoals; taxnummer, bankrekeningnummer, etc. Dit heb ik als zeer prettig ervaren. Ik kan iedereen aanraden om zaken met dit kantoor te doen. Eindelijk een makelaar die niet alleen bezig is met het verkopen van vastgoed.
Herman Korver
Marja & Jacob Huijsman
In August 2005 we have bought an apartment in Side via real Estate Agent “Alanya Makelaars” in Alanya.
In July 2005 we made our first contact via internet with Mr. Johan Vos from Alanya Makelaars who is responsible for the sales to the so called “Dutch speaking Market” (Holland and Belgium).
In august 2005 we travelled to Turkey and Johan showed us several apartments in which we were interested in. During our visited Johan supplied us with all necessary and adequate information we asked for.
All staff of Alanya Makelaars, incl. the Director Mr. Kerim Baliktay, found answers from Lawyers- and Notary Offices on our questions relating to several legal aspects.
After two days of touring around we made our decision and bought a two bedroom apartment in Side.
This month (March 2006) we have bought furniture an furnished our new apartment. Again Alanya Makelaars supplied us with all kinds of support from helping us by hiring a car to drive us to Metro for shopping and helping us to find a suitable television set.
We can recommend you Alanya Makelaars to be your Real Estate Agent when you are considering to buy a house or apartment in the Turkish Riviera.
marc and karin adang
in january 2005 we bought a house in Avsallar and we really like to recommend this firm to you. they did a lot ! the people at the office did their utmost to make it happen. friendly, professional and with a great service.  they really listen to you. thanks to their support we are satisfied customers.
you may contact us by e-mail.
marc and karin adang
the netherlands
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